Building Brighter Futures

One World Unity is a 501C3 founded in 2009 to provide a path to a positive future to children without, and to give them the means to change their communities—through education.

One World Unity provides children in impoverished countries with a path to a positive
future by working with community networks to provide stable educational systems.

We Provide Opportunities

Benefiting The Community

Sierra Leone has remained in the bottom ten countries of the UN’s “livability” index since One World Unity was formed in 2009. Illiteracy is high, and school attendance is low. Many in our Freetown community cannot afford the cost of sending their children to public school. It’s there that an individual’s future stops. 

A child who grows up in a country with massive unemployment and only the streets for an education will likely come upon not even the sliver of an opportunity to reach his/her dreams, and that’s a problem. One World Unity provides these opportunities.


One World Unity provides children with a path to a positive future through education. We leverage the disparity in economic strength between first world and the most impoverished third world countries, led by the cumulative knowledge and insight of the community, to make the most significant impact possible with a long-term view on the lives of children around the world.

Consistent Education

A quick injection of cash, even a very large amount, does nothing to change this trend over the long term. Schools are regularly built and abandoned, the income to sustain them dried up. NGOs donate school supplies for a year or two, but by year three nothing has changed in the child’s living situation, and he/she only loses his/her educational opportunities a few years later. 

One World Unity offers consistent, quality education. The school will be there for them as long as they continue to work hard in their schooling. The bar of entry to public school education is low to most of us in the first world, and this little bit keeps kids off the streets and into a positive learning environment. Graduating from high school in Sierra Leone is not a guarantee of success, but it does mean a child will be literate, can perform mathematics, and has a larger and academic view of the world. They have at least made themselves a path to a better future.

The positive effects on the individual child are well-established. One of the girls sponsored by us from the beginning was just hired on as a lawyer after five years of law school. This is someone who would not have completed elementary school without our assistance. One World Unity benefits the community at large as well, though the effects are stunted without further funding.


Benefiting The Community

Weber Nursery and Preparatory School

University Scholarship Program

Junior Scholarship Program

Emergency Relief Support

Prospective Secondary School Plan

Advanced Teacher Training Plan

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